Course: Mindfulness and Meditation – Free meditation sessions for the community

About the Course

There is a large body of evidence describing the benefits of regular meditation, which include stress management, improved sleep, reduced reactivity, nervous system regulation and an enhanced sense of wellbeing. Most importantly of all though, regular meditation connects you to your inner witness, your consciousness. It then becomes more possible for you to bring this consciousness, this Essential Self, to your everyday life.

Many of us understand & intuit the benefits of regular meditation practice but struggle to create and commit to one on our own. To help with this, we offer two free community meditation sessions per week. With more focus on practice than instruction, these sessions are designed to help you practise regularly and feel part of a community of meditators. The sessions are open to everyone, regardless of prior meditation experience.

Who is it for?

Anyone over 16 years of age.

How do I join?

Email to reserve a spot.

Topics Covered


Tuesdays: 10:30 to 11:30 AM


Your Enquiry

Fill out the form below, and we will be in touch shortly.